Integrated OT helps kids do the things that kids like to do. We are able to provide formal assessments and ongoing therapy to assist kids in play, and other important daily activities.

OT can help kids...
​OT can help kids...
Play with toys
Get dressed
Go to the toilet
Eat and drink
Bathe and shower
Develop fine motor tasks like writing or drawing
What to expect from OT
What to expect from OT
Before an initial consultation you will be asked to fill in some forms so we know a little more about your child before meeting them.
At the initial consultation, it is beneficial to have a parent or guardian present as this is our opportunity to get a clear picture of your child. The initial consultation is usually where goals are developed as a team.
Depending on your child's goals, you and the Occupational Therapist will decide if you would like to continue engaging with our service.
When does my child need to see an OT?
When does my child need to see an OT?
This question can be difficult for parents, and there is no clear cut answer. However, if you're noticing that your child is not developing typically or like their peers then it is always a good idea to be assessed and be informed.